

Ana Cláudia Madeira Botas Gomes Pimentel

Investigadora Principal
1.18 | Ed. CENIMAT

Ana Pimentel received the degree in Physics Engineering, the Master degree in Materials Engineering and PhD in nanothecnology and nanoscience from the New University of Lisbon in 2000, 2006 and 2011, respectively. She worked as Postdoc (2012 – 2018) on the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles to be used in nanoelectronics. Currently she is assistant researcher (CEEC 2017), with the main focus on the solution based synthesis of metal and metal oxides nanostructures.

Áreas de Investigação

Synthesis of metal and metal oxides nanoparticles (ZnO, TiO2, WO3, Ag, Au,…) by microwave assisted hydrothermal method, on glass, cellulose and cork based substrates, to be used in different application, such as UV sensors, catalysis, platform for SERS applications, piezoelectricity and as an antibacterial agent.

Interesses Científicos

Production and structural and morphological characterization of oxide-based thin films and oxide-based nanostructures produced by solution synthesis routes (spin coating and microwave); electrochromic and thermochromic materials; photocatalysis; sensors.  

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