

António Miguel Teixeira Vicente

Investigador Auxiliar
CEMOP- Open Space (Sala 2.1.24)

António T. Vicente holds a B. Sc. and M. Sc. in Biomedical Engineering from NOVA School of Science and Technology. He went on to pursue a Ph.D. degree from the joint program of MIT and the top 4 Portuguese Universities. In 2017, he received his doctorate at CENIMAT i3N for his work on silicon thin film solar cells on paper-based substrates with applications in optoelectronic biodevices. His doctoral work led to the first reported fabrication of silicon thin film solar cells on common paper-based products, which opened new avenues in this field towards intelligent and sustainable biodevices and received two national awards. 

He is now working as a Research Assistant at FCT-NOVA on inexpensive optically variable inks based on dielectric materials, power electronics, and novel perovskite solar cell applications. He is an author in more than 20 peer-reviewed publications and two book chapters.
Outside the lab, you can find him rock climbing, backpacking, sketching, or playing boardgames.

Áreas de Investigação

-Engineering and Technology with emphasis on Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Engineering
-Power Electronics

Interesses Científicos

-Renewable Energies, with a focus on solar cells
-Sustainability applied to R&D (SDGs, LCA, circular economy)
-Bio- and Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials
-Product innovation and Technology transfer to the Market

Publicações Representativas

  • Santos,1.M, Alexandre, M., Mihailetchi, V. D., Mateus, T., Mouquinho, A., Boane, J., Vicente, A. T., Nunes, D., Menda, U. D., Águas, H., Fortunato, E., Martins, R., Mendes, M. J., Optically-boosted planar IBC Solar Cells with Electrically-harmless Photonic Nanocoatings, Adv. Optical. Mater., 2023 (DOI: 10.1002/adom.202300276)
  • Haque, S., Alexandre, M., Baretzky, C., Rossi, D., De Rossi, F. Vicente, A. T., Brunetti, F., Águas, H., Ferreira, R. A. S., Fortunato, E., Auf der Maur, M., Würfel, U., Martins, R., Mendes, M. J., Photonic-Structured Perovskite Solar Cells: Detailed Optoelectronic Analysis, ACS Photonics, 9 (7), 2408–2421, 2022 (DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00446).
  • Vicente, A. T., Wojcik, P. J., Mendes, M. J., Águas, H., Fortunato, E., Martins, R., A statistics modelling approach for the optimization of thin film photovoltaic devices, Solar Energy, 144, 232-243, 2017 (DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2017.01.029).
  • Vicente, A. T., Araújo, A., P. J., Mendes, Nunes, D., Oliveira, M. J., Sanchez-Sobrado, O., Ferreira, M. P., M. J., Águas, H., Fortunato, E., Martins, R., Multifunctional cellulose-paper for light harvesting and smart sensing applications, J. Mater. Chem. C, 6, 3143-3181, 2018 (DOI: 10.1039/C7TC05271E).
  • Vicente, A., Águas, H., Mateus, T., Araújo, A., Lyubchyk, A., Siitonen, S., Fortunato, E., Martins, R., Solar cells for self-sustainable intelligent packaging, J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 13226-13236, 2015 (DOI: 10.1039/C5TA01752A).


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