

Ana Catarina Bernardino Baptista

Investigadora Doutorada
(+351) 21 294 85 64
(+351) 212 957 810

Ana Baptista is a senior researcher with a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering since 2014. Her research is mainly focused on the development of innovative smart textiles based on biocompatible polymers with multifunctional properties envisaging their application in energy conversion systems and medical devices. During the last years, she has supervised and published work in the field of cellulose-based bio-batteries, fiber-shaped supercapacitors, glucose sensitive electrospun membranes and electrically controlled drug delivery systems.

Áreas de Investigação

Electronic textiles; Bioelectronics; Biomaterials

Interesses Científicos

Scientific research focused on functional textiles for energy harvesting and conversion devices.
Other interests: e-Textiles, bioelectronics and 3D-printing for medical applications.

Publicações Representativas

  1. A.F. Cristovão, D. Sousa, F. Silvestre, I. Ropio, A. Gaspar, C. Henriques; A. Velhinho, A.C. Baptista, M. Faustino, I. Ferreira. Customized tracheal design using 3D printing of a polymer hydrogel: influence of UV laser cross-linking on mechanical properties, 3D Printing in Medicine 2019, 5 (12).    https://doi.org/10.1186/s41205-019-0049-8
  2. I. Ropio, A.C. Baptista, J.P. Nobre, J. Correia, F. Belo, S. Taborda, B.M. Morais Faustino, J.P. Borges, A. Kovalenko, I. Ferreira, Cellulose paper functionalised with polypyrrole and poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene) for paper battery electrodes, Organic Electronics, 2018, 62, 530-535. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orgel.2018.06.025
  3. A.C. Baptista, I.C. Ropio, B. Romba, J. Nobre, C. Henriques, J. Silva, J.I. Martins, J.P. Borges and I. Ferreira, Cellulose-based Electrospun Fibers Functionalized with Polypyrrole and Polyaniline for Fully Organic Batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 256. https://doi.org/10.1039/C7TA06457H
  4. A.C. Baptista, A.M. Botas, A.P.C. Almeida, A.T. Nicolau, B.P. Falcão, M.J. Soares J.P. Leitão, R. Martins, J.P. Borges, I. Ferreira, Down conversion photoluminescence on PVP/Ag- nanoparticles electrospun composite fibers, Optical Materials 2015, 39, 278–281. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2014.11.015
  5. A.C. Baptista, J.I. Martins, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, J.P. Borges and I. Ferreira, Thin and flexible biobatteries made of electrospun cellulose-based membranes, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2011, 26 (5), 2742-2745. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2010.09.055 



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Energy Materials Lab.

Biomaterials Lab.