

Jornadas do CENIMAT


Dear CENIMAT-ians,
This is to invite you all, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, to participate and share your work/ thought on the 2nd edition of "Jornadas do CENIMAT". The event will be held on 22nd June 2012 at "Anfiteatro Leopoldo Guimarães" situated at CENIMAT-I3N, FCT-UNL, Campus da Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica. The program and other necessary details including "Template for Abstracts" can be found in the website of 2as Jornadas do CENIMAT (https://sites.google.com/site/jornadasdocenimat2012/).

WHAT IS NEW IN THIS EDITION?: The second Edition of  "Jornadas do CENIMAT" will have a "poster session", introduced for the first time, which is dedicated to technical aspects. The posters should be based on the experimental set-ups used for the deposition/ preparation of your samples (or materials) and/ or the analytical tools used for the characterization of the samples (or materials). The number of posters can not exceed the limit of 5 per group. It is MANDATORY to utilize the one of the posters to include the information about the group, like name and position of each member in the group with brief mentioning of their research interests or other activities. It is believed that it will benefit the students in particular. There is an award for the BEST POSTER presentation, which will be given during the concluding section.
Apart from the "Poster Session", there will be a regular session of "ORAL PRESENTATION" and that is dedicated to the scientific activities. Each group of CENIMAT is allotted 1 hour for this scientific session except the MEO group, which has 2 hours, for the reason that it has considerably more members than the other groups.  The head of each group will be contacted by the organizing committee in a separate communication, in order to feedback us as how they would like to utilize this stipulated time. It is up to the group head (and their members) to decide the number of Oral Presentations within the allotted time; they can divide the time by number of presentations.
The abstract (concerning both the POSTER and ORAL presentations) should strictly be submitted before the deadline (refer below for the important deadlines) and late submission will not be encouraged on any account. The authors are requested to follow the template available on the website of "2as Jornadas do CENIMAT"  (https://sites.google.com/site/jornadasdocenimat2012/), which is also attached in this E-mail. Kindly make it a point to mention the "Type" of presentation on the right corner of the header on the Abstract template, either as ORAL or POSTER.        

Confirmation of Participation                                        - 10th May 2012
Abstract submission                                                   - 22nd May 2012 by 17:00 hours PST
Notification of the assigned ID to your presentation       - 29th May 2012
Confirmation of Attendance                                         -   7th June 2012
Submission of Presentation Files                                 - 20th June 2012

Though it is understandable that each CENIMAT-ian will attend this event, there can be a reason that one or more persons are out of station on this date. Hence, we would appreciate your confirmation on the participation. There is a chance that one or more persons could not attend the event (after having confirmed the participation) for any reason and so we would like to have the confirmation of attendance on later date as aforementioned. This will be very useful for as to arrange the Lunch/Coffee or Tea breaks and other preparations in a proper way. 

Hope that you have all the required information in this E-mail/ at the journal website. Should you have any queries or require any clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee through this E-mail ID (jornadascenimat@gmail.com) that is dedicated to "Jornadas do CENIMAT". 

With warm welcome,

Dr. Elangovan Elamurugu
Dr. Eugen Neagu
Dr. Tito Busani

(Organizing Committee of 2as Jornadas do CENIMAT)