

3 PhD postions - Glasgow


The Device Modelling Group at University of Glasgow (UK) in collaboration with IBM Research Zurich (IBM) in Switzerland and Synopsys QuantumATK (ATK) in Copenhagen is seeking to appoint three high-calibre Early Stage Researchers (ESR) in the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Industrial Doctorate Network on ‘Defect Simulations and Material Growth of III-V Nanostructures – European Industrial Doctorate' (DESIGN-EID).


Candidates’ Profile: We are looking for three candidates with a master’s degree in physics, engineering or chemistry with knowledge in solid-state physics, materials science or electrical engineering with an outstanding academic record. The candidates must be fluent in English, have good communication skills and be able to work efficiently in a team and navigate in an international environment.

Duration: Fixed-Term (3 years)

Starting: Jan 2020 or soon thereafter, but no later than end of May 2020

Practical: A highly competitive salary package is offered in accordance with the MSCA rates in the respective countries. The mobility and qualifications eligibility rules of the MSCA program must be respected:

MobilityAt the date of recruitment by the host institute, the ESR must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her appointment. Short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.

Qualifications: ESRs are required to have a master’s degree, they cannot have more than 4 years of full-time research experience and have not been awarded a doctoral degree

Usual MSCA Eligibility Criteria apply and will be verified during the application process. For more information on MSCA, please see: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/guides_for_applicants/h2020-guide-appl-msca-itn_en.pdf

The ESR must physically relocate between the two partners in question during the project, thus spending the time specified in Glasgow and at either IBM or Synopsys.

The PhD will be awarded from University of Glasgow.