

Scientific Design competition open to all


The ID team of Advanced Functional Materials for Micro and Nanotechnologies from CENIMAT
i3N and CEMOP at FCT-UNL is organizing the first edition of an Art-Science Competition open to all university members interested in competing either individually or as a team. The main purpose of the competition is to find scientists and engineers (future and current) with a hidden talent for illustration and passionate about scientific communication. If you love doing art projects, we challenge you to “translate” the scientific abstract of one of our current research projects into an eye-catching illustration. The best figure will be awarded 300€ and will have the chance to be featured on the cover of a high IF scientific journal.
In case you are interested in participating go to our website to learn about the competition theme, abstract and rules. Works can be submitted to art.sci.competition@gmail.com or by  Google Form.

Competition is free and it is open until 23h59, March 15 th .

We’re eager to see what your creativity has in store! Best of Luck!